The Astral Remnant Warlock Pact Boon

We just published the God Husk patron but I really wanted to go a step further. If the God Husk is all in on Astral Sea/Spelljammer vibe, the Astral Remnant is a great option for a warlock that might only want to dip their toes into that weird space. If Pact of the Tome is bolsters the warlock’s spellcasting capabilities through ritual casting, the Astral Remnant focuses on spell versatility by working like a cousin to a Ring of Spell Storing. Of course, you can use the God Husk and the Astral Remnant separately but I think they make one heck of a combo when put together.

I’ve also included 5 Eldritch Invocations to really invest in this pact.

It’s available now in the shop for free. I’d love to hear what you think!

Feature Preview

Pact of the Astral Remnant

Your patron gifts you a sliver of power from beyond the stars - an Astral Remnant. This tiny magical item takes a form that represents some aspect of your patron and emits a faint glow of otherworldly magic. Your Astral Remnant can function as a spellcasting focus for you while you hold it. If you lose your Astral Remnant, you can summon a replacement during a short or long rest, destroying the previous one in the process.

You or another creature of your choice can cast a 1st level spell into the Astral Remnant. This spell counts as a warlock spell for you and does not count against the your number of spells known. Once the Astral Remnant absorbs a spell, it can’t absorb a different spell again until you finish a long rest.

Also, you can cast the spell held within your Astral Remnant without expending a spell slot. Spells cast this way are cast at the same level as your Pact Magic feature. Once you cast a spell using this feature without expending a spell slot, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.


August 2022 SCPC Winners


The God Husk Patron Warlock