Ranger The Moonchaser


Moonchaser rangers are those with a deep connection to silvery moonlight and the night sky itself. They’ve learned to harness the brilliant radiance of the moonflame, a manifestation of enchanted moonlight. Moonchasers can be as tricky or jovial as the fey but can also be as cold and calm as a frigid night.

Often seen as eerie or otherworldly by strangers, they can exhibit alien powers through their spells. Both fey creatures and aberrations can easily develop a strong bond with a Moonchaser through their connections to the strange corners of existence. While most of these rangers are elves, firbolgs or other fey-adjacent races, anyone can embrace the magical light of the moon.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Ranger Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek


3rd-level Moonchaser feature

Radiant moonlight empowers your attacks with searing energy. Once on each of your turns immediately after you hit a creature with an attack, you can cause the attack’s target to take an extra 1d4 radiant damage as silvery flames briefly envelope it. If you inflict this damage to the same creature on your next turn, the Moonflame damage die becomes a d6. Causing this damage to the same creature on your third consecutive turn increases the damage die to a d8. Applying this damage to another creature or ending your turn without inflicting this damage resets the die to a d4.

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Moonchaser rangers are those with a deep connection to silvery moonlight and the night sky itself. They’ve learned to harness the brilliant radiance of the moonflame, a manifestation of enchanted moonlight. Moonchasers can be as tricky or jovial as the fey but can also be as cold and calm as a frigid night.

Often seen as eerie or otherworldly by strangers, they can exhibit alien powers through their spells. Both fey creatures and aberrations can easily develop a strong bond with a Moonchaser through their connections to the strange corners of existence. While most of these rangers are elves, firbolgs or other fey-adjacent races, anyone can embrace the magical light of the moon.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Ranger Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek


3rd-level Moonchaser feature

Radiant moonlight empowers your attacks with searing energy. Once on each of your turns immediately after you hit a creature with an attack, you can cause the attack’s target to take an extra 1d4 radiant damage as silvery flames briefly envelope it. If you inflict this damage to the same creature on your next turn, the Moonflame damage die becomes a d6. Causing this damage to the same creature on your third consecutive turn increases the damage die to a d8. Applying this damage to another creature or ending your turn without inflicting this damage resets the die to a d4.

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Moonchaser rangers are those with a deep connection to silvery moonlight and the night sky itself. They’ve learned to harness the brilliant radiance of the moonflame, a manifestation of enchanted moonlight. Moonchasers can be as tricky or jovial as the fey but can also be as cold and calm as a frigid night.

Often seen as eerie or otherworldly by strangers, they can exhibit alien powers through their spells. Both fey creatures and aberrations can easily develop a strong bond with a Moonchaser through their connections to the strange corners of existence. While most of these rangers are elves, firbolgs or other fey-adjacent races, anyone can embrace the magical light of the moon.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Ranger Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek


3rd-level Moonchaser feature

Radiant moonlight empowers your attacks with searing energy. Once on each of your turns immediately after you hit a creature with an attack, you can cause the attack’s target to take an extra 1d4 radiant damage as silvery flames briefly envelope it. If you inflict this damage to the same creature on your next turn, the Moonflame damage die becomes a d6. Causing this damage to the same creature on your third consecutive turn increases the damage die to a d8. Applying this damage to another creature or ending your turn without inflicting this damage resets the die to a d4.

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Ranger The Sunworn