Monk The Silken Chain


Monks of the Silken Chain focus on acrobatic and elegant movements through a special ribbon bound to their weapon. They are able to channel their ki directly into this silken chain to perform incredible feats. A silken chain can be made of most anything, including actual silk, but is deeply infused with ki to grant it supernatural durability regardless of its material.

Silken Chain monks tend to be highly emotional, often either expressing their feelings through their abilities or using their powers to repress them. Embracing restraint of one’s self or others can be a key aspect of the Silken Chain Monastic Tradition, just as easily as the artistic displays of gymnastics.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Monk Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek

Silken Chain

3rd-level Silken Chain feature

You’ve learned how to create a ki-infused ribbon, the silken chain. This ribbon binds a single melee weapon with which you are proficient and that has the light property to yourself. Creating your silken chain requires a ritual that takes 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest, and the weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual. You can only have one silken chain at a time.

A weapon bound to your silken chain has its reach increased by 5 feet, as you’re able to whip and swing your weapon in graceful, rapid motions. Also, you can’t be disarmed of this weapon unless you are incapacitated.

You can choose to destroy your silken chain as an action. Doing so releases the contained ki, restoring a number of ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

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Monks of the Silken Chain focus on acrobatic and elegant movements through a special ribbon bound to their weapon. They are able to channel their ki directly into this silken chain to perform incredible feats. A silken chain can be made of most anything, including actual silk, but is deeply infused with ki to grant it supernatural durability regardless of its material.

Silken Chain monks tend to be highly emotional, often either expressing their feelings through their abilities or using their powers to repress them. Embracing restraint of one’s self or others can be a key aspect of the Silken Chain Monastic Tradition, just as easily as the artistic displays of gymnastics.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Monk Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek

Silken Chain

3rd-level Silken Chain feature

You’ve learned how to create a ki-infused ribbon, the silken chain. This ribbon binds a single melee weapon with which you are proficient and that has the light property to yourself. Creating your silken chain requires a ritual that takes 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest, and the weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual. You can only have one silken chain at a time.

A weapon bound to your silken chain has its reach increased by 5 feet, as you’re able to whip and swing your weapon in graceful, rapid motions. Also, you can’t be disarmed of this weapon unless you are incapacitated.

You can choose to destroy your silken chain as an action. Doing so releases the contained ki, restoring a number of ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

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Monks of the Silken Chain focus on acrobatic and elegant movements through a special ribbon bound to their weapon. They are able to channel their ki directly into this silken chain to perform incredible feats. A silken chain can be made of most anything, including actual silk, but is deeply infused with ki to grant it supernatural durability regardless of its material.

Silken Chain monks tend to be highly emotional, often either expressing their feelings through their abilities or using their powers to repress them. Embracing restraint of one’s self or others can be a key aspect of the Silken Chain Monastic Tradition, just as easily as the artistic displays of gymnastics.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Monk Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek

Silken Chain

3rd-level Silken Chain feature

You’ve learned how to create a ki-infused ribbon, the silken chain. This ribbon binds a single melee weapon with which you are proficient and that has the light property to yourself. Creating your silken chain requires a ritual that takes 1 hour, which can be done during a short rest, and the weapon must be within your reach throughout the ritual. You can only have one silken chain at a time.

A weapon bound to your silken chain has its reach increased by 5 feet, as you’re able to whip and swing your weapon in graceful, rapid motions. Also, you can’t be disarmed of this weapon unless you are incapacitated.

You can choose to destroy your silken chain as an action. Doing so releases the contained ki, restoring a number of ki points equal to your Wisdom modifier.

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