Cleric Atonement Domain


The atonement domain is home to gods of mercy, redemption and penance. Practitioners commonly take up the atonement domain in hopes of making amends for past misdeeds or helping others avoid similar mistakes. Also popular as healers, advisors and leaders, these clerics often find themselves serving in a wide range of capacities - anything from charming royal courts to supporting entire villages to offering aid to travelers and scoundrels in exile.

Followers of the atonement domain typically seek to find or inspire introspection, growth and fellowship. It is not unheard of for these skills to be twisted for more aggressive or sinister deeds. Deities of this domain include Auril, Eldath, Fenmarel Mestarine, Helm, Ilmater, Lathander, Lliira, Luthic, Sharindlar and Tyr.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Cleric Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek


1st-level Atonement Domain feature

You have the power to make creatures reconsider their behaviors. As a reaction to a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you causing damage to another creature, you may force the damaging creature to make a Wisdom saving throw after the damage is inflicted.

If the creature fails the saving throw, it pauses to examine its behavior and immediately ends its turn. Until the start of its next turn, its speed becomes 0, and it can’t take reactions. Also, at the start of its next turn, it becomes immune to your Atone feature for 24 hours.

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The atonement domain is home to gods of mercy, redemption and penance. Practitioners commonly take up the atonement domain in hopes of making amends for past misdeeds or helping others avoid similar mistakes. Also popular as healers, advisors and leaders, these clerics often find themselves serving in a wide range of capacities - anything from charming royal courts to supporting entire villages to offering aid to travelers and scoundrels in exile.

Followers of the atonement domain typically seek to find or inspire introspection, growth and fellowship. It is not unheard of for these skills to be twisted for more aggressive or sinister deeds. Deities of this domain include Auril, Eldath, Fenmarel Mestarine, Helm, Ilmater, Lathander, Lliira, Luthic, Sharindlar and Tyr.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Cleric Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek


1st-level Atonement Domain feature

You have the power to make creatures reconsider their behaviors. As a reaction to a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you causing damage to another creature, you may force the damaging creature to make a Wisdom saving throw after the damage is inflicted.

If the creature fails the saving throw, it pauses to examine its behavior and immediately ends its turn. Until the start of its next turn, its speed becomes 0, and it can’t take reactions. Also, at the start of its next turn, it becomes immune to your Atone feature for 24 hours.

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The atonement domain is home to gods of mercy, redemption and penance. Practitioners commonly take up the atonement domain in hopes of making amends for past misdeeds or helping others avoid similar mistakes. Also popular as healers, advisors and leaders, these clerics often find themselves serving in a wide range of capacities - anything from charming royal courts to supporting entire villages to offering aid to travelers and scoundrels in exile.

Followers of the atonement domain typically seek to find or inspire introspection, growth and fellowship. It is not unheard of for these skills to be twisted for more aggressive or sinister deeds. Deities of this domain include Auril, Eldath, Fenmarel Mestarine, Helm, Ilmater, Lathander, Lliira, Luthic, Sharindlar and Tyr.

What do I get in this PDF?

  • 5E Cleric Subclass

  • Personality Traits, Ideals, Bonds & Flaws Tables

  • Origin Table

  • Trinket Table

Feature Sneak Peek


1st-level Atonement Domain feature

You have the power to make creatures reconsider their behaviors. As a reaction to a creature that you can see within 30 feet of you causing damage to another creature, you may force the damaging creature to make a Wisdom saving throw after the damage is inflicted.

If the creature fails the saving throw, it pauses to examine its behavior and immediately ends its turn. Until the start of its next turn, its speed becomes 0, and it can’t take reactions. Also, at the start of its next turn, it becomes immune to your Atone feature for 24 hours.

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Cleric Joy Domain