Joy Domain Cleric

The Joy Domain takes direct inspiration from Julie’s beloved Peace Domain Cleric - Sparkles. The idea here was to focus on happiness, glitter and fun. The domain spells revolve around either effects that are just fun to play with such as fly or spells that bolster allies such as heroism. It was important to generally avoid mind control-type spells or effects here - it’s just not the vibe we’re going for with this one. A little note of clarity: for the Glitterling, think of it similar to Spiritual Weapon - a magical effect that can be dispelled and it does not take up space, nor is it targetable for attacks or other spells. When playing this character option, I’d recommend reflavoring or renaming a lot of things for cutesy names or silly styles. If you have any questions, shoot Julie a message on Discord!

It’s available now in the shop and is free to the Spud Club during the month of July.


The joy domain celebrates the gods of wonder, happiness and festivity. Those that follow these gods worship through music, meals and movement. Experiencing joy, spreading joy and creating joy - regardless of the method - is fundamental to these adherents. It’s not uncommon to find followers of the joy domain crooning in a tavern, performing at a birthday party or supporting their allies in a dungeon deep.

These individuals are often exuberant, friendly and outgoing with a drive for peace. Deities of this domain typically include Chauntea, Erevan Ilesere, Lathander, Lliira, Loviatar, Luthic, Milil, Sune, Berronar Truesilver and Tymora, but most any worshipper can find joy in service to their god.

Feature Preview


1st-level Joy Domain feature

You are able to raise the spirits of those around you. You can spend 1 minute to magically delight a number of creatures equal to up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1) within 30 feet of you. Each delighted creature gains a number of temporary hit points equal to half your cleric level rounded up.

A creature can’t benefit from this feature again until it has finished a short or long rest.


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