
Homebrew races and subraces for Dungeons & Dragons 5E.

Adventurous HumansFar-Touched

Adventurous Humans

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Shining Bright

Adventurous Humans are the humans who strike out into the world to make their mark. Heroes, villains and everything between, these are the diverse humans that make change through their actions. They are ambitious, industrious and curious - how they use these traits changes from individual to individual. They could be anything from a heroic knight destined to save her kingdom to a ruthless bandit leading a gang of cutthroats or a steadfast pioneer exploring a new frontier - these humans explore all possibilities of life.

As Many Stars In The Sky

They range widely in height, weight and color. Adventurous Humans are comprised of individuals of all alignments and temperaments. These individuals are found in any world that bears humans and can come from any local subgroup with any appearance appropriate to their setting. Adventurous Humans often have a storied lineage with ancestors of other races or backgrounds. They generally take on names, identities and customs of the cultures around them.

Adventurous Human Traits

While diverse in body and mind, Adventurous Humans possess the follow traits.

Ability Score Increase

Your ability scores each increase by 1, and choose one ability score to increase by 1 more.


Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.


Humans tend toward no particular alignment. The best and the worst are found among them.


Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in that range, your size is Medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.


You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn the languages of other peoples they deal with, including obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elvish musical expressions, Dwarvish military phrases, and so on.


Adventurous Humans have a knack for snatching victory from the jaws of defeat. When you make an attack, saving throw or ability check, you can roll a d12 and add the number rolled to the initial roll. You can wait until after the DM says whether the roll succeeds or fails before using this trait. After you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.


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Touched by the Far Realm

The Far-Touched are those that have experienced the incomprehensible horror of the Far Realm. They may have an ancestor that had an encounter with an aberration, or they may personally have been flung through the deep reaches of the beyond. Any medium-sized race can become a Far-Touched. Aside from Eldritch Manifestations, they maintain the standard looks and cosmetic traits of their native race. No one is certain why, but races of other sizes virtually never survive the experience. The lingering essence of the Far Realm primarily impacts the mind of the Far-Touched. Enhanced intelligence, mental fortitude, minor telepathy and other related attributes are common expressions of this warping, along with a tendency towards extreme chaotic alignments.

Aberrant Identities

Far-Touched have names standard for their native race, but often have unusual pronunciations or repetitive letters such as pronouncing "Steve" as "Stay-vay" or spelling it "Steeeeve." They often have odd idiosyncrasies or ticks, and they can appear either distant or erratic. The Far-Touched may or may not remember their lives before being warped. They are often different than their original selves, both mentally and physically.

Far-Touched Foibles

Far-Touched's personality quirks express themselves in often unsettling ways. Roll a d10 or select from the table below to help develop your character.

  1. You frequently find yourself staring off in to nothingness.

  2. You and those around you often scream in their sleep.

  3. Your dreams are usually lucid but typically involve you floating in an inky void.

  4. You always feel like someone or something is watching you.

  5. You are extremely emotional and quick to form attachments.

  6. You are stoic and virtually devoid of emotion.

  7. You frequently talk in your sleep in unintelligible gibberish.

  8. You glimpse things moving in the shadows that nobody else sees.

  9. You are obsessed with the stars.

  10. You are terrified of the night sky.

Racial Feats

Far-Touched are supported by two racial feats. See Racial Feats for more information.

  • Void-Touched grants advantage on intelligence and charisma saving throws and the ability to see in magical and nonmagical darkness for 30 feet.

  • Star-Touched increases your Charisma or Intelligence by 1 while expanding your Eldritch Manifestation with expertise in a skill and additional cosmetic features.

At your Dungeon Master's discretion, a Far-Touched might choose a racial feat available to their native race as vestiges of their previous selves linger.

Far-Touched Traits

The native racial traits of the Far-Touched are replaced by the madness of the Far Realm.


You can speak, read, and write Common, Deep Speech and a language typically spoken by your native species. A Far-Touched Tiefling would most likely speak Common, Deep Speech and Abyssal, while a Far-Touched Dragonborn might speak Common, Deep Speech and Draconic.

Ability Score Increase

Your Intelligence score increases by 2, and your Charisma score increases by 1.


Far-Touched mature at the same rate, and live as long, as their native race.


The remnants of eldritch horrors typically twist mind of a Far-Touched towards chaotic alignments of both good or evil, and are rarely neutral.


The Far-Touched are exclusively transformed from medium-sized races. The minds of smaller or larger races tend to break when exposed to these arcane influences. Your size is medium.


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Aberrant Arcana

You know the Message cantrip. You also know the Find Familiar spell and may cast it as a ritual.

When you cast Find Familiar using this feature, you ignore the material cost and instead take force damage equal to half your character level rounded up as the familiar erupts from you. This damage ignore resistances and immunities and cannot be reduced in any way. Additionally, familiars summoned in this method are aberrations (instead of celestial, fey or fiend) and take on some cosmetic aspect of your Eldritch Manifestation.

If you're able to cast Find Familiar through another feature such as spellcasting, you may choose to summon your familiar in this manner using any appropriate resource such as a spell slot. Doing so, maintains the aberration type and cosmetic appearance while ignoring the material cost and incurring the same damage. Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for these spells.

Eldritch Manifestations

The Far Realm expresses itself in many ways. Roll a d4 on the Eldritch Manifestation table to determine how you've been warped as a Far-Touched. Alternatively, you may select your Eldritch Manifestation and any accompanying roll's value.

  1. Eldritch Endurance. Your limbs have been warped by the Far Realm. Your arms and legs all grow by 1d6 inches, while remaining a medium-sized creature. You also gain proficiency in Athletics.

  2. Eldritch Mind. You have unlocked secrets not meant for the mortal mind. Your eyes permanently become a solid color of your choice and you gain proficiency in Arcana.

  3. Eldritch Protuberance. You grow 1d4 fleshy tentacles on your face of 1d12 inches in length each. These growths function as a sensory organ and give you proficiency with Perception. These tentacles are unable to hold or utilize items and offer no additional mechanical use.

  4. Eldritch Tinge. Regardless of color or texture, your skin takes on an iridescent sheen. This otherworldly glimmer gives you proficiency in Persuasion or Intimidation.

Psychic Fortitude

Your mind has developed a psychic callous through sustained exposure to echoes of the Far Realm. You have resistance to Psychic damage and your thoughts can't be read against your will. Someone attempting to read your mind recoils at an overwhelming sense of horror.